Noah Forougi
Transportation Team Lead
Transportation Team
As part of the Transportation team, students will develop transportation greenhouse gas inventories for California cities and counties. This will require collecting, cleaning, analyzing and developing online visualizations of local travel behavior and related GHG emissions. Data sources include regional transportation models, U.S. Census, Department of Motor Vehicles, U.S. Federal Highway Administration and other sources. An important goal will be to understand differences between models and to develop a framework that can be consistently applied across all California jurisdictions. Transportation accounts for 40% of California's GHG emissions; collection, cleaning and analysis of transportation data is urgently needed by local governments.
2019 Spring Team Members
Yash Wagh
Emma Ng
Research Partners (in order of date joined)
Bren School of Env. Science & Management, U.C. Santa Barbara
Geospatial and Innovation Facility, Univ. of California, Berkeley
D-Lab, University of California, Berkeley
Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue University
College of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland State University
John Muir Institute, University of California, Davis