ECOADATALAB is a consortium of universities using data science to scale up climate and sustainability solutions. The data, tools and analyses on this website are contantly updated and expanding with input from teams of ECODATALAB students and researchers. We welcome faculty advisers, nationally and internationally, who wish to join the project.

ECODATALAB is supported by financial contributions of member organizations who help identify priorities and benefit from the resources on ENVIROEXPLORER.ORG. See our membership page for details.

Satellite View

Data Spotlight

Census Image

Census and Background Data

Selected time series (2007-2017) U.S. Census data for all U.S. cities with comparison to state averages. Includes population, income, home size, vehicles available, commute times, race, heating fuel and more. Check back for regular updates with more variables and geographies.

Carbon Emissions

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Local governments spend valuable resources collecting data for community-scale greenhouse gas inventories. ECODATALAB is automating data collection for thousands of cities and counties throughout the United States to provide consistent tracking and reporting.

Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint Maps

Explore and compare typical household carbon footprints of 1) all U.S. zip codes by zip code or 2) all neighbhoods (block groups) in California with projections to 2050 under climate targets. Download consumption-based GHG inventories of your community for free.

Climate Change Impact

Climate Impacts

View summary figures, maps and data of temperature change, sea level rise, snowpack and other datasets from ECODATALAB partner organizaions.

Carbon Calculator

Carbon Footprint Calculators

Use the CoolClimate Calculator to calculate and compare your carbon footprint to similar households and create a personalized climate action plan. Log in to share your carbon footprint and actions with others. Versions available for businesses too.

Data Analysis


Infographics, blogs and insights from ECODATALAB reseachers and partners.

Research Partners (in order of date joined)

CoolClimate Network, University of California, Berkeley
Bren School of Env. Science & Management, U.C. Santa Barbara
Geospatial and Innovation Facility, Univ. of California, Berkeley
D-Lab, University of California, Berkeley
Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue University
College of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland State University
John Muir Institute, University of California, Davis

Premium Partners

SF Environment Logo

Regular Members

Regular Members Logos

Affiliate Members

DEQ Logo