Spring 2019
Here is our Spring 2019 team.
Project Leaders
Project Director |
Faculty Sponsor |
Faculty Co-Sponsor |
Project Manager
Mujtaba Tarin |
Census Team
As part of the Census team, the student will download, clean, analyze, consolidate, visualize and publish new variables for the EcoDataLab website EnviroExplorer. An important aspect of the project will be to explore relationships between data and create visualization tools for users.
Jazmeen Rashidah Raja
Team Lead |
Baosen Luo |
Sarah Ancheta |
Cameron Malloy |
Carbon Coders
As part of the Carbon Coders team, the student will help with the ongoing development of CoolClimate software tools using Javascript, React, HTML, CSS, SQL, APIs. Git and other tools.
Christopher M. Jones
Team Lead |
Pauline Hidalgo |
Owen Singh |
Energy Team
As part of the Energy team, students will collect, clean, analyze and develop visualizations of residential, commercial and industrial electricity and natural gas emissions from utilities by zip codes and other geographies. An important aspect of the project will be to combine energy data with demographic and economic information over time and spatially and to present interesting findings in interactive charts, maps, infographics and blogs on EcoDataLab's website EnviroExplorer.
Adam Ash
Team Lead |
Maria Terrenal | Akhil Kestur | Zachary Nathanel Gotler | Jiong Han Yeo |
Mapping Team
As part of the Mapping team, students will learn to collect, clean, analyze and develop visualizations of transportation and energy data for the EcoDataLab website EnviroExplorer. An important aspect of the project will be to explore spatial relationships between data and present these in online maps, interactive charts and other visualizations using Tableau.
Regan Connel
Team Lead |
Athan Chan | Mohamed Rakha | Rameen Saeed |
Python Hackers
As part of the Python Hackers team, students will learn to scrape, clean and analyze data from multiple sources and incorporate results into online visualizations for the EcoDataLab website EnviroExplorer. Advanced students may undertake analysis of data, and modeling of GHG emissions and policies.
Arie Chen
Team Lead |
Sean O'Hara | Walter Jove | Anny Yang |
Transportation Team
As part of the Transportation team, students will develop transportation greenhouse gas inventories for California cities and counties. This will require collecting, cleaning, analyzing and developing online visualizations of local travel behavior and related GHG emissions. Data sources include regional transportation models, U.S. Census, Department of Motor Vehicles, U.S. Federal Highway Administration and other sources. An important goal will be to understand differences between models and to develop a framework that can be consistently applied across all California jurisdictions. Transportation accounts for 40% of California's GHG emissions; collection, cleaning and analysis of transportation data is urgently needed by local governments.
Noah Forougi
Team Lead |
Yash Wagh | Emma Ng |
Visualization Team
As a member of the Visualization team, the student will use data collected by Analysis teams to create data visualizations, blogs and infographics using Tableau, Photoshop and other design tools, and incorporate these elements into a website using HTML.
Helen Yip Team Lead |
Kexian Chen | Katrina Romulo | Uday Krishna Kalra | Soumya Avva |
Econometrics Team
As part of the Econometrics team, students will perform multi-variate statistical analysis of U.S. transportation (NHTS) and energy (RECS) survey data, and develop estimates of household consumption, energy, transportation and greenhouse gas emissions for all U.S. locations (zip codes, Census tracts, cities, counties, states) over time. Data will be developed into visualizations and integrated into the EcoDataLab website EnviroExplorer. Advanced students may explore causal relationships between variables and enhance model design.
Winnie Gao
Team Lead |
Keisuke Ito | Lanlan Peng | Jay Zhang | Kevin Xiang |
Fall 2018
EcoDataLab's first full team.
First Row: Regan Connell, Helen Yip, Isabelle Choi, Noah Forougi; Second Row: Winnie Gao, Caiyi (Giselle) Deng, Arie Chen, Mujtaba Tarin; Third Row: Sana Khader, Tanya Hanson, Adam Ash; Fourth Row: Kenneth Wu, Chris Jones (Director); Not pictured: Jazmeen Rashidah Raja, Prof. Clair Browh, Prof. Dan Kammen
Research Partners (in order of date joined)
Bren School of Env. Science & Management, U.C. Santa Barbara
Geospatial and Innovation Facility, Univ. of California, Berkeley
D-Lab, University of California, Berkeley
Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue University
College of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland State University
John Muir Institute, University of California, Davis