Adam Ash
Energy Team Lead
Energy Team
As part of the Energy team, students will collect, clean, analyze and develop visualizations of residential, commercial and industrial electricity and natural gas emissions from utilities by zip codes and other geographies. An important aspect of the project will be to combine energy data with demographic and economic information over time and spatially and to present interesting findings in interactive charts, maps, infographics and blogs on EcoDataLab's website EnviroExplorer.
2019 Spring Team Members
Maria Terrenal
Akhil Kestur
Jiong Han Yeo
Zachary Nathanel Golter
Research Partners (in order of date joined)
Bren School of Env. Science & Management, U.C. Santa Barbara
Geospatial and Innovation Facility, Univ. of California, Berkeley
D-Lab, University of California, Berkeley
Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Purdue University
College of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland State University
John Muir Institute, University of California, Davis